How to Get Rid of Headache and Migraines Naturally

Some people have headaches all the time, while others only have them occasionally. But why do some people get headaches every now and then? What is a simple way to get rid of a headache quickly and naturally?

Many people rush to the medicine cabinets to obtain over-the-counter medications.  They are harmful and contain toxic ingredients that may harm us in the long run.

Drink lots of water.

Many people do not consume enough water. Their bodies are accustomed to not becoming thirsty as a result of insufficient drinking water. Drink two glasses of water whenever you have a headache. Wait a minute and drink another glass of water with lemon. Close your eyes and lie down. Try to take a 20- to 30-minute nap.

Nap, lie down and relax

As I mentioned above, have a nap. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath may help alleviate your headache.

Go to the bathroom

Eat some foods containing fiber and drink lots of water. Try to sit in the bathroom until you have an urge to get rid of whatever got stuck in your intestines from the day before or even from last month. This might do the trick, it could be something you ate that day or the previous day that is the reason for your headache. Everything is connected.

Massage your head and sides of your face, and shoulders and neck.

Massaging will help you get rid of the headache faster by opening and relaxing the energy channels. Massage and pinch your shoulder muscles for a couple of seconds.

Detox and eat more fiber.

Believe it or not, the headache you suddenly have might be connected to what you ate prior to it, either a night before or earlier in the day. The toxins in your food affect your intestines and send signals to your brain.

This especially happens if you have a sensitive digestive system and if you ate something that bothers you after a long time. All you need to do is drink some more water with some food that contains enough fiber and go to the bathroom. You will be surprised once your headache disappears all of a sudden.

If your headache or migraine is caused by bruxism (clenching your teeth) you should reduce stress, eat better. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

So, don’t worry when you have a headache, and look for natural solutions instead of harmful pills unless you really need to. When you implement the above steps your headache should subside quickly and you will feel a lot better.

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1 Comment

  1. Mia Boyd

    Thanks for the information. I’ve been having the worst headaches lately; it seems like they just never go away! I’m going to make sure I follow your tip about drinking a lot of water. I’ll also look into massaging my head and face. Finally, I’ll look into scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor, just like you suggested. Do you have any other tips?


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